August 2023 babies

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C in Cribs & beds

Bed advice for two children room sharing

Hi all, I have 2 children, one who will be 4 in a week and one who will be 2 in August. We are unfortunately in the position that the children need to share a room for a while, but the room is the smallest room of the house (box) so will not fit two single beds. I am wondering if anyone has had children of this age...

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I in Other

Milk bottle

So I know it’s recommended to stop giving your toddler a baby bottle once they turn 12m. I have bought my daughter a straw water bottle but I only used it for water. What is everyone using for milk? Because from my experience, milk tends to stink up and mould plastic straw bottles easily.

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I in Potty training

Toilet with our toddler

How is everyone cleaning up their toddler after a poop explosion. Firstly, is your child being potty trained, does he/ she know when they need to poop or pee? If they still in diaper, how do you clean up their poop. My daughter has some stubborn poop that gets stuck to her butt, so I either take her straight to ...

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I in Other

Thumb sucking issue

My daughter still has a habit of sucking her thumb, not only for falling asleep, but also when she’s bored or just watching tv. At the beginning, I did just let it happen as a source of comfort for her, but now her thumbs look swollen and funny looking, and I really need tips on how to make her stop this habit. ...

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C in Baby sleep

15 month old dropping naps?

My son will be 15 months at the end of this month and he seems to be choosing to drop his nap altogether already. He will sleep from 7:00pm to 8/8:30am no problem but if he has a nap even just a short one he will be awake for a minimum of 4 hours in the middle of the night sometimes up to 6 hours like he isn’t tire...

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