Preparing for labour

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Preparing for labour

Getting everything ready before the big day! Advice on what to pack to how to be mentally prepared!

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L in Hypnobirthing

2nd labour

My first birth was so long and slow and I was in so much pain I ended up with an epidural, episiotomy and Ventouse delivery it was so overwhelming and I know it sounds stupid but I was so upset I couldn't do it on my own and felt weak for having an epidural :( I really want this one to be different!

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Incognito in Hospital bag

Hospital bag… suitcase or duffle bag?

Hi ladies I am 30 weeks pregnant and starting to prepare all the items I will need for home and the hospital stay. I'm just wondering if a suitcase or a duffle bag would be better to bring to the hospital during labor? TIA!

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in C-section

Cesarean Section

Was just wondering how long you all stayed on blood thinning injections after c section as I can't do it anymore 😪

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L in Signs of labor

Should i get a dilation check or not

So it’s been on my mind a lot that when in labour you have dilation checks which pretty much goes without saying (or so i thought) When i had my son in 2021 i had many dilation checks when i was in labour (took 12hrs to get to 5cm) and ended up getting an infection which then resulted in me having an emergency c s...

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Signs before baby?

38 weeks on the dot today. Woke up with cramping, constant. Super heavy period cramps. I have felt myself breathing through them a few times throughout the day, but never really gotten any worse. Still cramping now🥴 lower back aches like mad (not unusual for me) and now I feel that sick to my stomach that I’m scar...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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