2 under 2 mama support group

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2 under 2 mama support group

This group is to help moms of two under two. If you need advice, need to rant or just need to talk to someone who understands your struggles.

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C in C-section

Elective c section

Hey girls so this post is mainly for reassurance and experiences So I’ve decided to have an elective section for many reasons and with my first I had a natural birth so a bit unsure of what’s to come with a section tbh How quick is recovery? When will I be on my feet etc and start to feel back to normal? What shou...

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Lonely in the trenches

I have nearly 2 yo and 5 month old. I don’t know anyone else who has two children close together and I find I feel lonely in it… I have friends who have the one child but not two close in age - does anyone else feel this?

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Incognito in Other


I don’t really know why I’m posting this I just need to write it out. My son has just turned 1 and I’m 29 weeks pregnant with number 2. I’m having multiple breakdowns a day and can’t stop crying, which is making me distracted from work when my job is already demanding / so many deadlines are overdue. It’s all jus...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other

C section

Hey girls, I’m due to have my second baby soon and just wondered what sort of things I will need in my hospital bag for an elective section? I had a natural birth first time so just wondering what c sections mums have packed in their hospital bag? Thanks xx

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M in Pregnancy termination

Pregnant again n my sons 5months old

Need to know what to expect, for 2 under 2😭me and my fiancé planned to get pregnant again close in age so baby boy has a sibling to grow up with. Need pros and cons! Will be due mid November

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