Migraine Mamas

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Migraine Mamas

A group for moms (and TTC ladies!) who suffer from migraines/ cluster headaches/ chronic headaches. A place for us to vent, share our experiences, ask for advice, etc.

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T in Other

Diagnosed with Chronic Migraine

Hey everyone, I have been a migraine sufferer since I was about 8 years old. I was migraine "medication free" for about 2 years before my husband and I thought about TTC. Fast forward 2.5 years, we have our daughter and I get into a car accident that brings my migraines right back to how they were. Now, I am on my...

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S in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Migraine and giving birth

Hi, I have chronic migraine which has been much worse during pregnancy, to the point where I had to cut my hours and take a demotion to reduce some stress at work to try and manage them a bit better. I’m 22 weeks so still a way to go but got some anxiety around giving birth. If I don’t have a migraine, I have a head...

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S in Pregnancy symptoms

19 weeks pregnant

Has anyone got any remedies that have worked for cluster migraines I tend to get them every few weeks 2 or 3 days in a row!!! It's so bad I have it through the night up every hour. It's horrendous. Was taking sumatriptan but now read can't take in second trimester and don't want to risk it! I'm a usual sufferer sin...

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C in Other

Maternity leave

Hi I’m a chronic migraine girly I suffer from vestibular migraines daily and take propanolol. I work part time and I’m due back to work next week I have a 7 month old and a 7 year old. My 7 month old still doesn’t sleep through the night so I barely get any sleep. Towards the end of my pregnancy at work my migraines...

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R in Other

Headaches and migraines… 17 weeks pregnant- when to get them checked?

Hi! So I’m a regular headache/migraine sufferer. On the few occasions I’ve seen my midwife or had hospital appointments, I’ve been told to keep an eye out for headaches and get checked if I have any persistent ones. I’ve explained my medical history and the fact that I’ve suffered with headaches and migraines for...

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