Incognito in Other
How soon after predicted ovulation can you use HCG strips to test for pregnancy?
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This group is intended for LH/HCG test results only. The reasons for creating this was because sometimes when you have been trying to conceive for a while, it does get a bit..well frustrating. I wanted a place where we can just upload our test lines and hope that others can see what we see or even help with ovulation peaks. I think this can be very positive for us TTC beauties, how exciting seeing all those BFP. Gives us all hope!! 👀👀 Get those peepers at the ready!
Incognito in Other
How soon after predicted ovulation can you use HCG strips to test for pregnancy?
Incognito in Other
Incognito in Pregnancy test results
3 till period and 13dpo
V in Other
I see it but Idk if I'm crazy
Incognito in Other
I'm new to this, I've been using ovulation tests and they all say low but the chart has gone up yesterday? What does this mean?