Sciatica in pregnancy

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Sciatica in pregnancy

I made this group for me to be honest. Idk how to deal with this horrible things. My lower back is falling apart

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J in Other

Sciatica or periformis

I am 23 weeks I have the worse pain in my buttock area it’s like a shock wave has hit my nerve when I walk or move . This is not like a pulled muscle this is like a damage nerve. I am in a lot of pain it's debilitating and causing me to not walk long periods of time . The sciatica has hit my nerves . I am currently ...

  • J
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E in Early pregnancy symptoms

Sacrum and SI Pain, feels like Sciatica

I recently took a trip to the Emergency Room because I was in excruciating pain and was unable to walk or put any weight on my left leg. I was having an electric pain shooting through my body that almost brought me to my knees. They ended up doing an MRI that showed a marrow edema in my left sacrum near the SI joint...

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E in Early pregnancy symptoms

What level of pain is normal?

I’m 36+2 and started developing pain in my lower left back radiating down my left thigh a few days ago. It was manageable but today is unbearable - I can’t even take a step without almost being in tears. I’m basically bed bound and in absolute agony. Is this normal? Does it come and go? Any advice welcome. 😭 I don’t...

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C in Early pregnancy symptoms

11 weeks

This is my 2nd pregnancy and I didn’t have Sciatica with my first I’m still in my first trimester but the pain is horrendous. Today I fell to the floor and I was unable to move 😭 I didn’t even realise it could be that bad.. does it get better is there anything that helps when you’re pregnant! Tia

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A in Other

Sciatica getting me down

Hey! Just wanted a bit of a moan really lol. I’ve had sciatica in the past before getting pregnant so knew pregnancy would likely cause a flare up again. But it’s getting to the point where I can’t do much or walk for more than 5 minutes and it’s making me feel rubbish. I feel like I can’t do the simplest of things ...

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