Castleford, Pontefract & surrounding areas Mums/Mums to be 🤱🏻🤰🏿❤

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Castleford, Pontefract & surrounding areas Mums/Mums to be 🤱🏻🤰🏿❤

Just a little group for all us mummy's & mummys to be for support around Castleford & Pontefract 🥰

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K in Activities for kids


Still pretty new to the area… where are you taking your toddlers around Castleford/pontefract? (19 months) just to get out of the house for him to burn abit of energy feel like we stay home most days and need to get out more! Tia

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E in Activities for kids

Walking Group

Hi Ladies, can I drag anyone out the house, that lives local to Knottingley? That fancies going for a walk once a week. I know there is a walking group in Thornes park but somewhere easily accessible as no access to a car.

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A in Local recommendations

Mum friends🫶🏻

Hi I have a 2 year old and 4 month old little boys and I’m hoping to make some mum friends for play dates and to chat to. I’m from Knottingley too🥰

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E in Groups

Baby groups/meet ups

Hi. Got a 6 week old baby. Anyone know of any baby friendly groups in Pontefract ot Castleford? Or anyone got a baby of a similar age that wants to meet up? 🥰 x

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J in Groups

Play group shout out

Hey all, just wanted to shout out an amazing playgroup. On Tuesdays in Knottingley there is a playgroup from 9-11 during term time free tea and coffee, free snack time for the children, plenty of toys and everyone is so so nice. If anyone’s interested let me know and I can set up a group chat or something and we can...

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