pPROM Mothers Club

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pPROM Mothers Club

This groups is for anyone who is / had gone through pProm and needs advice, support, and encouragement. This is a hard time for everyone so please be very respectful to others. <3

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Incognito in Miscarriage

Pregnancy after pprom

I was pregnant earlier this year with our baby boy but lost him in June after my waters breaking at 16w 4d baby was born at 16w 6d I am currently 6w pregnant and i am so nervous it will happen again, i will be high risk pregnancy and see FMU from 12 weeks onwards for cervical checks and likely be taking aspirin from...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Other

Induction after PPROM

Does anyone have an experience they would like to share of being induced at 37 weeks after your waters have already broken. My water broke at 35 weeks and i haven’t gone into natural labour. I have an induction booked for Friday when i will be 37 weeks. I would like to hear other people experience of an induction af...

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H in Other

PPROM at 16 weeks!

My pregnancy started off as a twin pregnancy but I sadly lost Twin A at just 12 weeks when my waters broke. Twin B was growing well at the time but 4 weeks later my waters broke for Twin B too. It was a rollercoaster journey from that point onwards as I had very little to no hope left and all the Drs kept telling me...

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E in Signs of labor

Waters have broken at 35 weeks but unsure what’s happening

I am 35 weeks + 1 today and my waters broke this morning. I have been in hospital all day and they are keeping me in overnight to monitor me. I am confused at what the next steps are? has anyone been in this situation. Will they induce labour if it doesn’t start by itself?

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N in Other

PPROM at 27+4

Hey, looking for anyone who’s had similar. I was admitted to hospital when I was 27+4 due to bleeding, it was 8th episode of bleeding due to a low lying placenta. Unfortunately after an examination they noticed my waters had broke, and think they ruptured around 26+5. Up until that point I hadn’t noticed any fluid l...

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