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A space for potty training mamas to share tips and tricks!

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Incognito in Potty training

Not ready??

Hi, my daughter is 3 next week and we've been without daytime nappies for about 5 weeks now. However, it still seems she doesn't know when she needs to go to the toilet?? And will never take herself. We have had days without any wee accidents but it's very reliant on us making sure she regularly uses the toilet. Po...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Baby sleep

Night time training

Any one offer any help with night time training? My little boy is 4 next month! He has been day time trained for 1.5 years. Is it even possible? He shows no signs of dry nappies on a morning. He does tell me on a morning he needs a wee but will wee throughout the night in his nappy. I have tried taking him for a nig...

  • E
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S in Potty training

Feed back on the oh crap method

Not sure what or how to start potty training. We know we want to start now as baby number two will be here in 4 months. Our little boy is 15months old. We've started with naked time and just showing him the toilet but we don't want the little potty in the room, rather take him to the toilet..I hear good things about...

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Incognito in Potty training


My little girl is turning 3 next month and hopefully starting nursery in January but she needs to be potty trained to be able to go. They will deal with accidents but no nappy changes. I’ve tried potty training a couple of months ago but she genuinely seemed petrified of the potty and toilet so I left it and thoug...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Potty training

Smelly urine

So my little boy had been potty trained for about 3 weeks now but over the last few days I’ve noticed his urine has a funny like fishy smell to it he’s bathed every second day so it’s not him it’s his pee… has anyone experienced this before?

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