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A space for potty training mamas to share tips and tricks!

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Incognito in Potty training

Pooping in the toilet

My toddler has done amazing with doing wees on the toilet and has no accidents anymore, however we can’t seem to get him to do poops on the toilet. He is willing to sit on there for couple mins and says it’s not coming and ends up doing it in his pants. Any tips please it’s been over a month now 😭

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

T in Potty training


My baby girl went in the potty 3 times today! She was in big girl underwear and did not have an accident!!!! I’m such a proud mama!!!!🥰

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M in Other


Both my kids will pee pee & boo boo in the potty. The only thing is, how can I get them to let me know when they have to go? I have one speech delayed child so it's hard 🤔

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Incognito in Potty training

Crying for his diaper

Day 1 of potty training and my 2.5 yo started crying hysterically wanting his diaper on. He also threw a tantrum not wanting to use the toilet or training seat. He has all the signs otherwise of readiness. Any advice? Did you have similar situation- how did you handle? We were trying the bare bottom method.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Potty training

Advice for flying with potty training toddler

Hi all, looking for some advice on what you would do. For context, my 2y8m toddler hasn't been wearing a nappy during the day for 1.5months now. He occasionally has an accident where he doesn't tell us or tell us in time for us to get him to the toilet. We're flying 7 hours on Thursday and I'm worried he'll have an ...

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