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For help and support during pregnancy and post birth for twins and multiples

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Didi Twins

I am currently at week 6, and went to emergency room yesterday for mild spotting. In yesterday’s ultrasound, twins were detected with No heartbeat for twin A and a 136bpm for twin B. The dr suggested a repeat ultrasound to get more clarity for twin A. What are the odds of twin A getting a heartbeat? Anyone else in s...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

k in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Heart racing

Hi I’m 20 weeks pregnant with twin girls low blood pressure but heart races bad when standing, walking, chasing my other kids and I’m also underweight anyone have this problem too?

  • k
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  • k

C in Other

Flying at 9 weeks with twins Modi

Hi! First time pregnancy and recently learned we are having twins after long IVF journey. My husband has a trip to Vancouver for skiing that I originally wasn’t going to go, but realized I won’t have time to travel much later in pregnancy and with twins. Definitely not skiing, just hanging out in the cabin etc, but ...

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

To ring pregnancy assessment unit or not?

I’m 35w5d pregnant with DCDA twins section booked for 37w4d. Had a scan on Tuesday - no issues, saw my midwife yesterday blood pressure was fine, heard babies heart beat trace of protein in urine but was told nothing to worry about. I woke up with a headache today like a really tired, aching over my eyes headache t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Pregnancy symptoms

Hi All

So I just got a positive test, I’m almost 4 weeks and this will be my second child. But I’ve been feeling… off I guess. I don’t know why or what but I keep feeling like there’s a chance I’m having 2… what were your experiences when you found out you’re pregnant? Anything different? It sounds crazy I know but I can’t...

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