PGP- Pelvic Girdle Pain/ SPD- Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

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PGP- Pelvic Girdle Pain/ SPD- Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

A place to share information/tips & story's about PGP/SPD.

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A in Postpartum symptoms

Pelvic pain

I’m 2 weeks post c section and still struggling with pelvic pain is this normal? It’s more so when I’m more active. I assumed it would magically disappear after my little boy was born 😫😫

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Found a good pillow combo!

I have PGP and it's been quite bad since 18 weeks (I'm now 24). I've now tested four pillow combos in bed to try to make it so my hips aren't agony. And I've finally found a combo that seems to have worked so thought I'd share in case anyone else has bad hip/pelvic pain. So I'm using a wedge pillow called the baby...

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Is this SPD?

I feel like I can’t quite express the feeling of pain I’m having adequately to even google the right advice. I basically feel like I got kicked in the crotch and there’s this dull aching pain in that area, like it’s bruised. It’s worse when I try to get in and out of the car, out of bed, etc and can result in more...

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Incognito in Hypnobirthing

Outdated advice- please myth bust for me.

Went to a physio who 'worked in women's health 20 years ago as a Junior' And recommended for SPD: - have to have epidural for pain - pushing for induction to end pregnancy earlier - getting a c section as labour could damage my pelvis further and for good - that breastfeeding will prolong the symptoms - crutche...

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  • Incognito

P in Pregnancy care

Pregnancy belt - is anyone plus size and recommend a pregnancy/bump belt? SPD has gotten worse in the last week but I am HEAVY now

I have a pelvic belt (the one that holds you in place the physio recommended) but I've never got on with it and if anything it made it feel worse? But thinking relieving some bump pressure may help!

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