Exclusively Pumping Mamas

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Exclusively Pumping Mamas

Exclusively Pumping is breastfeeding too and is a great way to provide your baby with breastmilk if they have challenges latching you the breast.

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Incognito in Pumping

Pumping basics

I would love if someone could explain to me a few things. First, do you continue pumping at least 8 times a day until you fully wean your baby? With breastfeeding I thought babies start to feed less often at a certain point and milk supply adjusts so wondering how that compares with pumping. Does anyone have any exp...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Supply drop after getting my period

Did anyone else notice a supply drop after getting your first period? I've heard of it dropping during, but it hasn't come back up a few weeks later. I'm also noticing it's a lot harder to trigger letdowns while pumping.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Other

When do you replace pump parts?

I have the Elvie hands free double electric pumps. I have been using it for 2 months. I pump 5 to 6 times a day. The valve and seal seem to be what I would need to replace more frequently than the breast shield. But I am new to this, so not super sure what the best thing to do is. I know they will need replacing eve...

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A in Bottle feeding


How to clean baby bottle cleaning brush, it’s not silicone. Would soaking it in vinegar work ?

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E in Pumping

How do you find the time?!

My son won’t let me have the time to pump 😩 his wake windows should be 60/90 minutes but he’s literally up hours at a time and constantly wants my attention, I can’t hold him and pump cause I have one I have to hold, I’m getting wearable ones soon so I hope that will help me but how does anyone find the time?! Pumpi...

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