Incognito in First trimester worries
How does my chart look? I got a very faint positive on FRER on 14DPO and 15DPO (picture in comments). Still tracking BBT, no period as of yet but worried about temp drop last 2 days and possible chemical?
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For those trying to conceive using base boby temperature. A group to share, discuss, compare your charts and ask any questions about BBT.
Incognito in First trimester worries
How does my chart look? I got a very faint positive on FRER on 14DPO and 15DPO (picture in comments). Still tracking BBT, no period as of yet but worried about temp drop last 2 days and possible chemical?
Incognito in Other
1. how does my chart look 2. do you find it odd i got my lh surge soo early early? 3. can different climate weather effect temp as 6am today temp was 36.5 Celsius with a fan on then i went sleep and woke up 12 pm with temp 36.9 celsius with the fan off as i was cold in the morning from the fan
C in First trimester worries
Does this look normal for my BBT to drop around 5/6 dpo? Or does this mean I’m out?? 🥺
Incognito in Other
Hello! I don’t really understand BBT monitoring yet. It looks as if I ovulated on Thurs 28th but then it went down and stayed down and I was under the impression that it stays high after ovulation? Does that mean I didn’t ovulate?
Incognito in Other
Hi! App says that I’m about 17dpo and my period is 3 days late. I’ve been testing since about 12 dpo and they’re still negative :/ could I have ovulated later??