Peanuts 🥜 Bad Moms Club 🥰🤣

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Peanuts 🥜 Bad Moms Club 🥰🤣

This is for any mom who doesn’t care what anybody has to say. You do what you need to do to keep your child ALIVE, whether that’s giving them a sprite, or a tablet so they’ll leave you alone. Or locking yourself in the bathroom and chugging wine 🍷 this groupchat is for you.

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Incognito in Induced labor

Labor with first vs second

How long were you in labor with your first and then your second. Bonus points if you were induced with both.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Activities for kids

Reading to children

This is a little embarrassing because my boys are so happy but I feel like I’m a rubbish mum all because I don’t read to them at night! I’m dyslexic and I really struggle to read - but I always remember me my brother grabbing our beanbags as kids before bed and our parents reading to us and we were so engrossed in...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Childcare

For those who are low income / looking for a job

How did you go about paying for childcare? I don't have any family members able to watch my son. I need to go back to work again, I can't find a WFH job that suits me.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

T in Baby digestion

If I puked up my prenatal meds should I take more

I’m not sure if I puked it all up tho but I threw up 5 minutes after taking them and I could taste them coming out

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E in Family

I just wanted a shower

I haven't had a proper shower since coming home from the hospital and rinsing off on Monday. I've been running around all week. Driving an hour to appointments and back. Cleaning up around the house. I haven't even had a chance to get groceries yet. My husband said that he would take out son (2.5 yo) to daycare afte...

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