Peanuts 🥜 Bad Moms Club 🥰🤣

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Peanuts 🥜 Bad Moms Club 🥰🤣

This is for any mom who doesn’t care what anybody has to say. You do what you need to do to keep your child ALIVE, whether that’s giving them a sprite, or a tablet so they’ll leave you alone. Or locking yourself in the bathroom and chugging wine 🍷 this groupchat is for you.

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S in Pets

Sharing a Paci

Tonight my 8mo did the cutest freaking thing. While I was rocking him to sleep I gave him a paci because he was fussy which I rarely do and he put it in his mouth stared me in my eyes and then pulled it out and put it up to my face. I proceeded to act like I was using it and say “MMM MMM thank you!” And he giggled a...

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Incognito in Family

Feeling down, birthday blues

My birthday is tomorrow and it’s more depressing than most. I don’t have any friends to enjoy it with but I have my husband and kids. My husband keeps asking what I wanna do for my birthday but I don’t know and he keeps getting frustrated with me. I’m also dealing with a heavy cycle that has me cramping on and off. ...

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H in Sleep & tiredness

What is something you did that made you glow?

started reading, getting up earlier, doing yoga etc

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T in Formula

Milk supply

My son is 6 months & he’s been sick for about a month & a half which was causing him not to eat as much, because of that my milk supply is very low I’m only make about an ounce or 2 at most. Anybody ever have this happen & did your supply ever pick back up or did it just go away completely because I feel like I may ...

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Incognito in Single parents

Do you take yourself on dates?

Now that my son is in school, I have some free time. I'm tired of waiting to make plans with people, so I'm going to try things alone. I like being alone, but when outing to new things, I can get anxious, but I'm determined.

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