October 2020 Babies 🇨🇦

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October 2020 Babies 🇨🇦

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D in Baby sleep

Transition to Big Bed

My daughter will be 2 tomorrow and I'm expecting again in December. We decided to transfer her to a new room and a new bed so baby can take over. Last night was 1.5 hours before she calmed down and was awake 4 times and today's nap I gave up on and cuddled on the couch after almost 2 hours of trying. I don't wanna ...

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D in Other

Temper Tips

My daughter will be 2 at the beginning of October and we are having meltdowns that last 20-50 mins when we try and move from one activity to another. This happens at daycare and home and we are all struggling with how to deal with them. Last night we did colouring and stickers for an hour and when I said time to cl...

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L in Baby sleep

Help!!! 2 year old will not sleep!!!

Please, I am desperate. My almost 2 year old son absolutely will not sleep through the night. We recently put him in his own room. If we let him cry it out he will go all over the room freaking out and im afraid he is going to hurt himself. I'm desperate! I just found out I'm pregnant with our second and the exhaust...

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M in Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and sleeping

My daughters 18 months and still nurses to sleep. I am trying to get her to stop but with no luck. She wakes sometimes to nurse still and I am just scared to be shamed for having a two year old and still breastfeeding.

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H in Childcare

Cancelling daycare

My son is registered at a daycare, but since he started going he has been sick every other week and we are now thinking of cancelling it completely, especially since i am a SAHM. My problem is when he was at daycare, i was able to achieve a lot at home and i was planning to go back to the gym…..i have always been ...

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