February 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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February 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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N in Potty training

Hey mamas..

My oldest is 4 today.. Still not using the loo or potty and as you all know.. it's big school year this year.. He's terrified to sit on the potty and toilet.. I've tried everything I can think of. Whiteboard pens on the back of the toilet.. letting him see that I sit on the toilet, leaving the potty in the room w...

  • N
  • N
  • N

Incognito in Activities for kids

Birthdays next month 🎂

Hey everyone our little ones will be turning 4 next month...time is flying by 😲 What is everyone going to do for their little ones birthday? Need some ideas 💡

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Incognito in Cribs & beds

Anyone still in a cot / cot bed?

Curious if anyone else still has the sides up on their cot for their almost 4 year old? They've just never shown any inclination to try and climb out and sleep amazingly so if it's not broke why change it...!

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Nearly 4 year old - frustration and hitting

Is anyone else’s LO becoming more agitated? Growling when frustrated?! I’m leaning towards the reason being developmental but we have just returned from a 12 day holiday over the Christmas break so routine is very much needed! Any advice for this stage would be greatly appreciated! I’m trying to be super patient a...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

Little Boys pulling their penis

Hi, My son is 4 in February and for the first time today I walked in to the front room and he had his pants and trousers down pulling his penis as soon as he saw me jumped up. When I asked what he was doing he said nothing and laughed. I was cooking dinner this evening so put the tv on I went in to front room again...

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