March 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Mental health & wellbeing

Never thought I would feel this way

Currently 11:57 pm and i'm just on my phone, couldn't sleep and I started thinking again how I lost most of my "friends" over the years... The only friends I have left lives in a different state. Becoming a mom is the biggest blessing ever and I am very happy and grateful with the life and family that I have but g...

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A in Activities for kids

Birthday present ideas!

What are we getting for our boys this year?? My boys are turning 4 and 2 in March and I don't know what to get them 😅 We're already going to a little water park hotel thing as their main birthday present/party but I still want to get them something little! I'm debating on just bringing them to target and letting the...

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E in Family

Demanding 3/4 year old!

Anyone else’s almost 4 year old just Refuse to play on their own???!! My daughter has an amazing imagination but she absolutely will not play lately unless I am being some character she wants me to be or unless I am “watching” her. I am getting so frustrated. She used to be SOOOOO good at playing on her own and have...

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Incognito in Single parents

Dating after Divorce

I’ll get straight to the point. I’ve been Dating someone for 5 months. He and his ex wife have in their court papers that they must be dating for 6 months before that person meets their child. I actually loved the idea and adopted it with my ex husband and I. Nowhere in the paperwork is it ordered I have to meet her...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleep training. HELP! I’m exhausted

Hello mamas, I’ve been trying for my 3 year old daughter to stay in her room but she wakes up every hour. I’m exhausted, idk what else to do. I give her a bath routine, we read a book sometimes 3 times, then I turn on her hatch and her fairy lights and she goes to sleep but then she wakes up in an hour. I soother b...

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