March 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Childcare

Pre-K or not?

Hi, my son will be eligble to go to Pre-K starting this Fall. I really hope that he will get into State Pre-K because we have another baby on the way and will have an Au-Pair. If he doesn’t get into state Pre-K, i‘m thinking about leaving him home for a year since I don’t want to pay double. But i‘m worried that he ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Potty training

Potty Training Advice

Hey all! My son will be 4 in March, and we are having a hard time with potty training. We reinforce to let us know when he has to pee/poop, and tell him to go on the potty. When we leave his pull-up or underwear off, he does run to the bathroom to go on the potty. But if we keep his pull ups or underwear on, he will...

  • K
  • K
  • K

Incognito in Family

Am I the worst mom to exist ?!!

No judging please. I already feel so bad and guilty for even saying this. I am a big believer in "speaking it into existence" but honestly I said this more out of spite to my husband but didn't think about how it could affect my reality and I can't stop thinking about it and I feel so guilty.   Story:   So this week...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Baby digestion

Clear urine?!

Your kiddo ever pee clear few times within the hour? That just freaked me out. Never seen him pee clear! He did chug half a cup of apple juice a little while ago. Should I worry?

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J in Baby milestones

Is it just my kid

Who’s an emotional angry mess? This kid gets upset or mad over everrrrrrything now and I can’t tell if it’s a phase or maybe the iPad is an issue (I do let him use it with rules in place) I don’t know what’s up with him! Losing my head 😭

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