March 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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S in Baby & toddler food

Constantly hungry??

Anyone else’s little one constantly saying they are hungry? Is this a phase? 😂 Even after a big breakfast (egg on toast with some avocado), 5 minutes later she says she’s hungry? Nursery have said some days she has 2 portions for lunch? 🙈

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Incognito in Potty training

Accidents at Pre School

My daughter is 4 in March. She goes to a pre school with 2,3 and 4 year olds twice a week. The staff at pre school don’t really talk to parents at handover, the children just come out the door and we leave. Anyway, today I’ve picked my daughter up and on the way home she mentioned that she wet herself whilst playing...

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A in Common illness

Medicine phobia

Does anyone have any experience with a phobia of medicine? My daughter will not and has never accepted any form of oral medicine. I managed to get her take some about a year ago which resulted in instant vomiting. At the moment she has a terrible cough (she's being treated as asthma like illness) and has inhalers b...

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N in Gifting

Christmas gifts/cards for nursery

I was wondering what the etiquette is for giving gifts or cards for Christmas at your child's nursery. This is our first Christmas when my lb is in nursery, and I'm not sure whether we're supposed to give a card to all the teachers (~12 of them) or just his keyworker, whether it's customary to give a gift to the key...

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Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Pregnancy advice

Hey Ladies, just coming for some friendly advice / words of motivation / any support as to whether I’m doing the wrong or right thing without judgement (hence posting anonymously) So Iv just found out I’m pregnant, whilst it wasn’t planned and has come as a big shock, I always stand by certain things are supposed t...

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