March 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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March 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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C in Activities for kids

What size bike?

I'm planning to get my daughter a bike for her birthday. She's quite tall, I think one of the tallest in her class. Last time I measured her she was about 104cm. Should I get 14 inch or 16 inch wheels? I want it to last for as long as possible ideally, but I want her to be able to use it!

  • C
  • C
  • C

J in Potty training

Toilet training

Is anyone’s little one still not pooing on the toilet/potty?! She’s been amazing at doing wees, never had an accident, been dry all night but no bribery in the world will get her to sit on the potty or toilet when she needs a poo, she will just put her own nappy on and if I hide them she will just hold it in!

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H in Other

Car seat

Can anyone recommend a good/safe car seat for 4 year old? He’s tall just grown out of his joei 360 😢

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L in Baby sleep

How to get my nearly 4 year old to sleep in her bed all night?

She used to be really good, but since Christmas when I let her sleep in my room to free up her bed for visiting family she's been refusing to stay in her bed. She'll go to bed fine but within a couple of hours she's up and refuses to sleep alone. Any advice?

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Incognito in Other


Has anyone came of the pill missed there period and still been pregnant?? Normally I come off the pill for a week break and get my period on Tuesday/Wednesday I’ve missed my period by two weeks and tests are negative? Also do I have to take the test in the morning?

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