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Incognito in Baby care

How often does your husband give your child a bath?

Asking my husband NEVER does. Doesn’t volunteer and if I ask him there is always something.

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Incognito in Sex during pregnancy

Does anyone else’s baby daddy get worse?

So I’m currently on my 3rd pregnancy and my husband is getting worse. Before we found out I was pregnant he promised he was going to quit smoking weed and using nicotine pouches. Now I’m 13 weeks pregnant: he takes money from me to buy the pouches and when I don’t have any he takes from our oldest piggy bank (he has...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Activities for kids

Does your kid carry an iPad/tablet around with them? (Ex. They have it in the car, restaurants, visiting family, all throughout the day).

Judgement free zone, I’m just curious!

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Desperately need advice

How do you get your almost 4 year old to eat on their own? It’s like I have to force my child to eat. She eats very slow and small amounts but when I tell her that I am taking away the food, she throws a tantrum. She likes to also play with her food until she ends up losing her appetite. I will tell her to eat about...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

N in Other

Toddler from hell

I’m don’t even know where to begin. The past month with my 3.5 year old boy has been awful! I understand that he’s going through some major growing and development right now but the tantrums and yelling and screaming and hitting and biting and throwing things… Just that gave me a panic attack last night. He’s destro...

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