April 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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April 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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K in Family

Behaviour at nursery

Is anyone else’s nearly 4 year old a completely different child when at nursery. For me and my husband she’s such a good girl and at nursery she’s completely different. At pick up I dread to hear what she’s done. She doesn’t listen, she doesn’t play nicely, she’s mean, and doesn’t join in in group activities! I’m ...

  • K
  • K
  • K

B in Baby sleep

Help, my toddler is struggling to go to bed for my husband

My toddler, who is coming up to 4 has always done bedtime with her daddy since about the age of 1. However for the last month she has had full on meltdowns if he tries to out her to bed. These cn go on for over an hour. Crying, refusing to put on her PJs, or go for a wee, or brush her teeth. Whatever the next step i...

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  • B
  • B

Incognito in Childcare

Full days

My little one is 4 in April and still struggles to stay at preschool for a full day. By the afternoon he is emotional and upset and overwhelmed. I'm really starting to worry about him starting school in September and doing 5 days a week! Any tips ?

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Incognito in Education

Working mums

From September as both me and my partner work I would have to put my daughter in after school club and breakfast club and it’s stressing me out!!! I have such bad anxiety thinking that it is such a long day for her that it’s making me feel sick. 7-5 is too much for a 4 year old imo 🥹🥹🥹

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  • Incognito
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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Blocked milk duct

Baby slept for 6 hours straight last night and now my right breast is rock solid still after feeding. Wasn’t painful but is starting to become uncomfortable. How do I relieve quickly? I’ve tried massage and Hakka.

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