May 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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May 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Activities for kids


Our boy just got diagnosed as being hyperactive and behind in some areas of learning because he cannot sit still and and focus for five minutes and has to be redirected more than three times to a single task. He is all boy and is super active and goes nonstop all day. He focuses on and sits still for things that int...

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K in Parties & celebrations

Dylan and Teddy

Dylan will be 4 in May and Teddy is a 2 month old Saint Bernard puppy we just got about 1 week ago and watching them play is the cutest thing

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E in Family


How much screen time do you let your kiddo watch? I’m currently 6m pregnant with my second and I’m constantly exhausted. My husband’s working this weekend and I’ve played with my son a lot and read him books but all I want to do is sit, relax, and/or nap. The only way to keep him occupied (and quiet since I have hea...

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Incognito in Baby sleep


So my kid is 4 and he’s on a sleep schedule but this month he’s having a hard time going to sleep at 10, if he does go to sleep he wakes up about 4 and wants to eat and play idk what to do anymore because he plays during the day and gets a bath for bed and eats he wants to run around for hours when it’s his bedtime ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Family

Did anyone else’s LO turn 3 1/2 and their behavior did a complete 360. I swear she sees red when she can’t get her way, isn’t listening to teachers at school and the list goes on. She is struggling to regulate her emotions big time.

Any one have any recommendations on books for helping a preschooler regulate emotions?

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