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A group for teachers who are pregnant, on maternity leave or just getting used to life with a baby and teaching.

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C in Other

Returning to work after maternity leave

Does anyone have any advice after returning to work after maternity leave? I have taken a few KIT day but I found them much harder than I thought. I have decided not to take anymore, as my cover is still teaching and I just want a complete fresh start. I have tried to look for advice on this, but I am finding t...

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Incognito in Morning sickness

Sick day

Anyone else feel guilty taking a day sick? I’m not unwell? I just can’t teach another day! I work on EY and my class are really testing me at the moment. I have zero patience and I cannot seem to get them to do a single good thing? SLT want nothing to do with it even with the cry for help. So I need MH day tomorrow....

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Incognito in Due dates

KIT days

If you do a couple of hours KIT day or go in for a meeting do you get paid for the whole day? Work are having me out down the hours I’ve been in but I’m sure I’ve heard even if you do 2-4 hours you get paid a set days rate? Asking due to currently still EBF Thank you

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Education

Changing to 0.8fte

Does anyone have any experience of returning to work at 0.8 from full time? Were your work supportive? How did you ask and who do I ask? If anyone has any example points for why it would be good for myself and the school that would be great too! I am not bothered about what 4 days I work, I would just like one day ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other

When to start mat leave

What would you do in my position? I’m due on the 18th May and initially thought I’d work till the 2nd but I’m now thinking of starting my mat leave on the first day back after Easter (28th April) so I’d effectively be starting on 11th April at the beginning of the holidays instead. I’ve not had an easy pregnancy ...

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