June 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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June 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Family

Just venting..

I feel like I can’t leave my spouse with my children without him wanting to get “stuff done” like fix the car, work on his skis or just be on his phone reading stuff and not giving them attention. I wanted to go skiing this morning but I don’t even think he knows our baby’s schedule on when he eats/sleeps etc even...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

D in Baby milestones

Anyone ... anyone else experience this???

Ok, I NEED HELP...my 3 year old has been acting up at daycare. Not listening pushing his friends and today he was bitting and hitting. We are not eliminating screen time. Should I remove toys too? We have talked to him idk what else I can do. I am going to start looking for a hybrid job. So maybe I can give him more...

  • D
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K in Baby sleep

My 3.5 year old just won’t sleep at all now….

She used to wake up throughout the night. And she is going through something right now where she fights going to sleep without me. And then when I leave she flips out and stays awake for hours. If I do make it out the room she is awake within 15 mins. This goes on all night. I am beyond exhausted and so is she

  • K
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  • K

F in Other

Preschool booster (4 in 1 vaccinations)

Preschool vaccinations (4 in 1 booster) My daughter had her vaccinations last week on Wednesday. She has been unwell since then, vomited the day after and had a temperature, had a temp the next day then vomited again three times on Sunday, she's had a bad cough too. Went to the walk in and has a chest infection so ...

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Incognito in Housing

Single mom house hunting

I’m scared to buy a house alone. Have you done it and how do you feel about doing it alone?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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