Second time mumma’s

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Second time mumma’s

Pregnant with your second baby? Ready for another? The leap from 1 to 2.. come and talk to us 😊

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding while pregnant?

I just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2 but my 1.5 year old still nurses a couple times during the day as well as at night. Has anyone breastfed through their pregnancy? I’ve always said I would nurse until he weaned himself as long as my body kept up.

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Does everyone keep taking pregnancy tablets?

I feel awful as with my first I took the pregnacare tablets but I took them up to 12 weeks with my second child and as they've made me sick a couple of times I've stopped having them

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  • Incognito
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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Juggling it all

How are you all getting on, do you feel ok top of things?! I am knackered all the time and kids always come first so find I don't have enough time for myself or tidying the house etc . Or I do it all as best I can and am then absolutely shattered for days!!

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Incognito in Age gaps

When did your second come in relation to your first?

Just curious whether second time babies made an earlier appearance than their older siblings or not!

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  • Incognito
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Incognito in Family


I’ve not long had my second baby, she’s a month old today and we also have a toddler so as you can imagine I’m very burnt out and tired and just exhausted. I feel o have a lot of the baby blues and maybe ppd this time around. My partner doesn’t understand no matter how I explain it to him that his life hasn’t change...

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