Anterior Placenta

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Anterior Placenta

A place to chat about anterior placenta's and how it has effect you, your partner and your pregnancy in general.

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R in Baby movement

3rd baby but 1st time with anterior placenta

I’m 20 weeks and 5 days and I’m staring to think I’m feeling movements but I keep doubting myself . Has anyone got experience with multiple pregnancies and movements when you felt movement ? Thanks in advance ❤️

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K in Other

Low laying Anterior placenta

Hi all ! I’m 21 +6 and the last couple of days I feel like I’m finally feeling baby movements. They feel stronger. I was prepared not to feel anything until 23/24 weeks but would this be because mine is laying very low I can still feel them ? It’s the most amazing feeling that I didn’t think I would get for a wh...

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

4D scan with anterior placenta?

Hey, I’m looking at booking a 4D scan but I have an anterior placenta and really not sure what gestation to go. WTTW suggest between 24-27 so I’m thinking 25+3 days (purely because it’s the only date my family who will be coming can do!!) but just wondering if this would be too early or if anyone else had a 4D and ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Pregnancy scans

4D scans

Just wondering when is the best time to get one done? I’m currently 29 weeks so hopefully I’m not too late 🫣

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L in Baby movement


so baby’s kicks have started to be really strong, i have an anterior placenta and the last couple of days i am convinced he has been moving and i can feel him moving almost behind the placenta as i can feel it but not see the kicks or moment as strong sometimes. wonder if anyone else has experienced this? is this no...

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