40+ TTC

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40+ TTC

This is a place for women 40+ that are tryin to conceive. It can be difficult find support and inspiration unique to our age group. So This group is for us to share our stories, challenges and encouragements.

421 members

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L in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester


Good afternoon all my beautiful women I just wanted to say hello and I'm 41 and I'm trying to conceive I just got a diagnostic laparoscopy done so me and my husband are now actively on the journey of getting pregnant how's everybody's journey been so far?

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K in First trimester worries

Vvf lines

I am 53 and getting vvf lines on tests past 2 weeks . Fingers crossed 🤞 for my digital test tomorrow 🙏

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🔮 in Fertility treatments

High Prolactin

My prolactin has come up as high and I wondered if anyone had this and if they did, how they lowered it to conceive

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L in Other

Indent or 2nd line

I think I'm going crazy. It does have colour in person

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S in Pregnancy test results

Digital pregnancy test

Has anyone had a false positive pregnancy test??

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