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M in Birth control

What do I need to know?

Hey guys! I am 13+4 weeks. I have just been told I have low Papp-A and whilst they explained what this means it’s gone in one ear and out the other as phone calls make me anxious. They’ve prescribed me aspirin to take until 36 weeks. What do I need to know? What complications may I have? I am terrified to Google th...

  • M
  • M
  • M

Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Low Papp-a and small baby induction?

I was wondering if anyone knows what’s usually suggested in my case. I have a call with my doctor at 36 weeks but was wondering what others experience was. I have low Papp-a and a baby measuring around 10th percentile at last scan with a particularly small head at around 3rd percentile. When it was just low Papp ...

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Incognito in Other

NIPT due to low Papp a?

I did the combined nhs test for my 12 week check up and it came back with low chance of downs and Edward’s etc , but a low papp-a score of 0.38 Will I be offered the NIPT with the nhs or shall I go do it privately?

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

K in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Low Papp-A

Good Morning, I am 12 weeks 3 days with my 4th pregnancy and today found out I have low Papp-A at 0.31. I have never had this before I am freaking out, I have looked on google and they say baby could miscarry in the second trimester which the hospital letter does not say! I’m terrified of something bad happening. ...

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Uterine Doppler

Due to having low Papp-a I had a doppler for my 20 week scan. They said it was on the higher side and have therefore been referred to the high risk pregnancy clinic and will be having a scan again in 3 weeks to do the doppler again. Did anyone have this and their second doppler was in the normal range? If not, were ...

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