July 2023 Babies

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July 2023 Babies

Babies due in July 2023

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J in Baby & toddler food

Swiping behaviour

Not sure if anyone else has had this problem but my daughter (10 months) started this infuriating behavior at meal time. She swipes her hand across her high chair tray really fast like a windscreen wiper to throw all the food on the floor. She’s doing it regardless of food size, shape, or what it is (she does it wit...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Crying to sleep?

Hi, I have a four and a half month old that is completely happy, smiley and calm. In himself all day (other than the odd cries) but he gets put to bed he just cries constantly for 10-15 minutes until he falls asleep am I a bad mum for letting him do that? Is there another way I can put him down without him crying? I...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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E in Skin conditions

Nappy rash- most common cause?

For a few weeks now, my little boy who’s 4 months old has been continuously suffering with nappy rash. I’ve tried different creams for it, tried the old method of using cotton wool and water for it for a while until healed, and it’s worked for a while and then the rash has come back again when we used wipes again. W...

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M in Household

Cleaning bothering me!

How does everyone deal with daily tasks like laundry and cleaning? My son is 14 weeks old and he always wants to look at me and fusses when I’m doing something 😭I think I’m beginning to see signs of my OCD coming out help! Any advice would be appreciated

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S in Breastfeeding


Hi, I need to ask a stupid question.. I set my alarms for 3hours to pump, but sometimes my son is on me at that time so I can’t.. will this affect my supply? For instance, I pumped today at 1am, my alarm went off for 4am but I was already feeding my son and then fell asleep after, it’s now 9:30am and I haven’t been ...

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