Mom's going through divorce/separation/ breakups

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Mom's going through divorce/separation/ breakups

This is a group for all mom's going through a recent breakup or divorce. Moms who need someone to support them or may have questions about the divorce or custody agreement process. It's never easy going through a break up especially when children are involved. Let's build each other up an help each other and ourselves get through tough times.

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

How do you handle the sadness of separation

I feel sad & kind of blaming myself for overreacting but I had to stand up for myself. My H has been verbally & emotionally abusive & this has escalated since I got pregnant. I have noticed the disrespect has just gotten worse as he is convinced that because I’m pregnant, I need him. I have tried to keep the harmony...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Legal

Need a home

Has anyone ever had luck finding another mom that needs a roommate because of a divorce? I’m in Virginia living near Norfolk. I had some really bad luck with the courts they gave him the house and was previously merciful to my son’s dad and didn’t kick him out after he assaulted me (and convicted. I know now I shou...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Single parents

Does this make me a bad mother?

Me and my ex husband have separated since October. He sees her 3/4 times a week, including 1/2 overnight stays. I feel so lonely when my daughter is staying with her dad, i just feel empty and lost. Last week I had just booked a last minute trip to Istanbul for the following day. I had met a guy out there and we j...

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Incognito in Legal

Break up

Has anyone broken up with their partners and they want to go to mediation?? We have an 8 month old and I’m not sure how to go about it. How many days does he get the baby? I don’t want him to have the baby overnight the baby is so clingy to me and he needs routine. Any help with be appropriate. I’ve never stopped ...

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  • Incognito

K in Postpartum mental health


I have lost myself in my 15 year long relationship. I left once, he convinced me to come back. Things changed for a little while and then repeated. Now he is distant and changed. We can’t get along. Moving forward in a different path than the one you e been with since you were 15 is hard. How do you do it?

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