July 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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July 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Activities for kids

Fun ideas to do with my 3 year old

So I honestly don’t know what to do with my baby it’s 24/7 just him and me and sometimes I really don’t n ow what to do with him I mean he likes going to the park and going on walks and riding his car I I just got him but sometimes I feel like that’s not enough I wanna do some fun and creative activities and also wh...

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G in Potty training

Potty training

My son will be 4 in July and for the life of me he does not poop in the toilet!!! I e done everything. Literally everything. From prices to time out. Is this normal? He says he is scared however he will pee in the toilet

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Incognito in Education

Moms who have children this year that will start school ..

Moms those of u who have their babies go to school this year .. How do you feel ? Emotional? I feel sad because she will not be considered my baby anymore but school aged 🥹😭 Real life will kick in even though ill have a 18 month at home.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Activities for kids

Tablet time

To those parents who do tablets. How long do you let your kiddos on it. I have screen time limits set up and I’m trying to see if I’m giving to much And to add she doesn’t get it daily majority of the time their playing with toys and listening to their tony box

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty training tips. Please help!!

I’m trying to potty train my almost 4 year old son. The first 3 days were rough. After 4th day he got it. And now we are trying to get him to go potty before bed and he doesn’t go. He’ll wake up and pissed in the bed. How do I get him to stop. I’m staying at my moms house and she is been a little hard on him. She sp...

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  • Incognito
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