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B in Potty training

potty training

ugh 😩 is it just me! i’m trying to potty train my 3 year old girl but it’s so hard !! she’s so stubborn she have a good day were she’ll go but then the next she refuses.. i don’t know what to do iv tried prizes and potty watch i just don’t know … any one have tips or going threw the same thing and feel like there fa...

  • B
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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Mom guilt

I’m a terrible mom. I absolutely hate being home alone with my own child. I feel terrible. But I just can’t do it. I feel like I’m going crazy and everyone’s better off without me

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S in Potty training

Potty Training

Alright mamas, potty training. Any else have an EXTREMELY difficult kid to potty train? Any tips or tricks? My 5 year old was so easy but my 3 year old, not at all. He will sit in a nasty diaper all day long. Im trying not to force it but hes giving himself diaper rashes because not only does he sit in it, he fights...

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Intrusive thoughts.

I’ve been having such bad intrusive thoughts, I’m fat ugly, nobody likes me, better off dead, terrible mom, person,friend,gf,daughter. Just terrible all around. This is what goes through my head on a constant basis.

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Incognito in Family

Has anyone gone through their child being bullied at school

Hey ladies, I am very upset my daughter has come home crying multiple times telling me that this one little girl is making fun of her in class. I have spoken to the owner of the place, which happens to be my boss bc I work in this specific preschool. I'm not sure how to handle this situation anymore since I've broug...

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