Snoo Mamas

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Snoo Mamas

A group for us mamas to discuss Snoo tips, tricks, techniques, ask questions or simply share how great it’s working for them.

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C in Baby sleep

Snoo Reliance?

Typical question you’ve probably seen a million times, but as a brand new Snoo mama I want to know if anyone had trouble with their little one being able to put themself to sleep once they transferred to their crib OR when traveling and using a pack n play that DOESNT rock? I desperately need the sleep, so we borrow...

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S in Birth control

Premium prescriptions 🙄

How lame is it that in order to use the snoo’s app and most of its functions you need to pay for a prescription now!

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D in Baby sleep

Snoo Swaddle weaning

Hi Snoo mamas! So my LG is 5 months and now we are on the last month of using the snoo bed. We hardly use the motion or noise now as she sleeps well without being rocked (only the odd time) but I've been swaddling her arms in by her body since 2 weeks old and now I'm not sure how to stop🙈 We tried last night to hav...

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S in Baby sleep

Snoo baby won’t nap unless on the move

Hi mumas, my LO is 5 weeks old and is barely sleeping in the day. He doesn’t want to go down in the snoo but only sleeps in the pram if it’s moving. A contact nap is also rare. Is this the downside of using the snoo at night, a reliance on movement?!

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S in Baby milestones

Anyone concerned about hearing loss?

Yesterday, I measured the decibel level in Low mode with my Apple Watch, and it showed 59 dB. I read on Reddit that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping noise machines at 50 dB or lower. I tried changing the setting to Lowest, but it goes too low. I wish there was an in-between setting. Has anyone ...

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