TTC🌈 post miscarriage

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TTC🌈 post miscarriage

TTC after pregnancy loss, missed miscarriage. Feel free to share your journey and experiences and help support each other. Please be respectful and sensitive to one another💛.

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Incognito in Other


What are some tips to help me get pregnant I had a miscarriage about 5 months ago honestly it was hard to get pregnant that time believe it or not I drinked ocra water and became pregnant within 3 weeks but we have been trying and nothing!

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other


How do you work out a due date if there has been no period since miscarriage? I have dates of conception on the FLO app and the digital test now shows 3+ Dates are 19/25/26/28/5 Positive test 6th It’s more like how many weeks would I be? I’m really scared of even booking an early scan. I know that would show be...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Other

No period after miscarriage

It’s been more than 3 months I still haven’t had a period. I’m not pregnant as I have been checking. Is this normal

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P in First trimester worries

TSH Levels

Hi! I had couple of miscarriages, last one was in March and its an MMC. My Obgyn had me tested for lupus antiphospholipid, rh factor, chromosomes test and they all came negative. They didn’t find anything that could cause a concern. However, my primary doctor had me tested for thyroid and vitamin D. My thyroid level...

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Incognito in Trying for a baby

Idk how to not feel bitter anymore..

I had a MMC Feb 2023 and haven’t had any luck since then 😞 im trying to stay sane but the fact it’s been over a year and a few months and still nothing ?? It’s driving me insane. All my friends around me are pregnant and I just feel like I can’t move forward until I see a positive test.. any advice ?? What are some ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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