B in Postpartum mental health
I can't go out of my house for very long time at all.... Not without my anxiety going sky high and causing myself to have a panic attack...😭. I hate this!!!!
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A support group for moms with anxiety... fighting the good fight to not let it anxiety rule us. No shame, no fear, no judgement just Support and love ♥️
B in Postpartum mental health
I can't go out of my house for very long time at all.... Not without my anxiety going sky high and causing myself to have a panic attack...😭. I hate this!!!!
Incognito in Postpartum mental health
Woah it hit hard this morning. It hit real real hard. I just need someone who could remind me I was a person before I was mom. I matter too. I need a break too. When you're a mom with no breaks its hard but it's just as bad when you're a married mom with no breaks 2 kids 7 years in. How am just meant to stay sane wh...
Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing
I have 2 baby boys that are 1 and almost 2. They are 10 months apart. My boyfriend/their father and I live together and we both work but he works full time and I only work part time. So that way I can be with them most of the time. So he ends up really paying for just about everything. He has never tried to hold the...
C in Birth control
My iud fell out a month ago & I've never felt better. While having it I suffered from horrible anxiety & at least 3 anxiety attacks a week. It was exhausting! It effected a lot in my life especially being a parent. It made me depressed because I just wanted to be better & couldn't control it. The whole time I'm thin...
J in Other
Proud of you mamas