High Risk Pregnancy

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High Risk Pregnancy

This group is for women with high risk pregnancy like myself to share ideas and personal experiences.

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L in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Holidays - should I go?

Hey ladies, just wondered if anyone’s been in a similar position. I’m a high risk pregnancy due to my baby girl being diagnosed with Turner’s syndrome, putting me at risk of miscarriage throughout my entire pregnancy. I’m currently 16+3 weeks. I’m seeing my fetal medicine specialist on Tuesday, so will be asking...

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S in Fertility treatments

Cervical shortening

I went in for my 22 week scan (high risk bc I delivered my son at 25 weeks in 22 for no apparent reason) and my cervix has shortened to 25.3 and they suggested vag progesterone. Has anyone seen good results from using it? Similar situations?

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Incognito in Other

Threatened miscarriage

I’m very conflicted and confused I just hit 12 weeks my baby is moving they have a heart beat they are very very active as I can feel them already . But I did have some light bleeding twice in 1 week . My cervix was closed . I went to the er . And they said I have a threatened miscarriage. I’m confused as they didn’...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Childbirth

Pulmonary embolism and C-section delivery

Hi. I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism a couple of months ago and I’m due to have a C-section in 3 days. I’m very nervous about it and how my body is going to cope with it. The past couple of days I’ve been struggling with my breathing again and it’s freaking me out. I’m not sure if it’s just how baby is lyin...

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A in Signs of labor

First pregnancy is high risk.

This is my first pregnancy & I found out I was high risk at my anatomy scan due to my incompetent cervix. I lost parts of my mucus plug on Friday and over the weekend at 24 weeks, went to my OB yesterday and was told my cervix opened more and was funneling but I’m not dilating. I now have weekly exams and am terrifi...

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