August 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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August 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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A in Hypnobirthing

Tens machine

If you used a tens machine for your labour, did it help?

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S in Baby & toddler food


Anyone else's child refuse to eat new foods? My little girl will eat like 3 meals max! I can't get her to eat anything different! Nothing new no matter what I try!

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S in Baby & toddler food

Always hungry!

Anybody else’s 3-4 year old always hungry?! He’s really tall for his age and I think growing again. I feel like all I do at the moment is make food. Any healthy/filling snack ideas would be appreciated. I’m running out of ideas! Bonus if they are things I can send as snacks for preschool (don’t need to be refri...

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Struggling not to shout

Anyone else struggling not to shout after asking a million times for something. I then feel terrible and we both end up crying, and I know in that moment I've scared her I'm not usually one for raising voices as I hate it. I always apologise and explain and we hug it out but sometimes just feel invisible which ...

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Incognito in Other


My daughter and I are home alone this weekend, and she's always asking to use my foot spa, so I am thinking of having a home pamper session. We have toddler friendly nail polish so we'll have manicures and pedicures and wondered what else we could do that's toddler friendly

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