Mamas with depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders

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Mamas with depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders

Safe, judgement free space for mamas struggling with mental health issues

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R in Making friends

Feeling kinda sad tonight. Was invited to see a movie about a special needs child but they went without me

Last week a new person I was hoping to become friends with asked me if I'd like to see the movie unbreakable boy with her. I said I would. She did not say when the movie was playing I expected her to let me know. I just saw on Facebook that she went tonight with a group of ladies from the special needs parents group...

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Incognito in Family

I need to just vent.

Today has been just one of those days where I just want to cry. I work full time but I work from home. I was trying to work today and the dogs are barking and my kids are trying to tell me someone in the drive way. We'll I was talking to my husband about it and he just went off not cussing but telling me igs his hon...

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Incognito in Other

Am I terrible?

Ever since I got pregnant I’ve been kinda of unhappy about it. I want to be happy so bad but my fiance and I are really struggling living pay check to pay check with my mom. My mom constantly calls us stupid or idiots and she thinks it’s funny but it’s just a lot and she constantly nags about how “ dirty” we are whe...

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  • Incognito

K in Groups

Anyone about that is avaliable for a chat

Stressed mum not coping

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Incognito in Other


Hi guys I really just wanted to come on here to vent, little backstory when I was 18 and got pregnant my parents kicked me to the curb, I was homeless for 3 months then got my own apartment, I lived alone and worked full time and came back to an empty apartment. Being alone pregnant was the most depressedI’ve ever b...

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