Postpartum Depression
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Postpartum Depression

By Nikki

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J in Making friends

Glad everyone loves my baby

I'm glad everyone loves my daughter, I really am. I have more people who will stand up for her than for me, but on that note...I wish I knew what was wrong with me that I have no friends...being a mom with no friends is hard...

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Incognito in Family

Can I overcome this feeling?

I know I have PPD, but sometimes I don’t understand why I feel the way I do and if it is due to PPD. I’m never 100% on here about how I feel because some people can be very judgmental and don’t understand. First off I love my baby unconditionally but I get feelings of not wanting to spend time with him or look after...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

P in Other


So I’ve come to a realisation the other day that after the birth of my son I have been sitting in depression for 2 years, I’ve been told that I have postpartum depression and mentally I was like yep let’s get that fixed and did it but it didn’t really sink in till the other day when I was having a play with my son t...

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J in Mental health & wellbeing

Really struggling and feeling alone

Let me start by saying my husband is wonderful and a wonderful dad to our little girl, but he also works third shift so most of the time I feel like a single mom. I have no friends and it depressed me when I see mom friends hanging out because I have no one and I crave friendship. Maybe I'm stupid for feeling this w...

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Incognito in Other

PPD thoughts

Just decided to share this since I’m having an off day and this is what goes on in my head if anyone thought they were along they definitely are not.

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