Raising Happy Toddlers
Celia Kibler  is a creator on PeanutCelia Kibler

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Raising Happy Toddlers

By Celia Kibler

Toddlers bring their own challenges. As they grow more independent, they test boundaries, the test your consistency, they test your patience, they test you. But how do you get them to listen, to cooperate, to understand, to have more fun with ladd aggravation and feeling like a negotiator. I’m here to help you stop yelling and start becoming pro-active instead of reactive. Reach out to me with any questions or concerns, and especially love to hear about your wins!! Let’s celebrate together!!

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ن in Baby & toddler food

Cute fruit arrangement for toddler ideas please🍎🍌🍇🍊🍓🫐

I have apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, grapes and bananas. How can I arrange this in a fun and cute and appealing way for my toddler? Pictures are welcome! Tia x x

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Celia Kibler is a creator on PeanutCelia Kibler

Celia Kibler in Social media

Are you still yelling at your kids?

How do you feel after you do? Do you blame them for making you yell? Do you wish there was a better way? There is! I invite you to my complimentary live training tonight at 8pm ET with plenty of time after for Q&A. It’s free, but you must register at YellFreeFamily.com

  • Celia Kibler is a creator on PeanutCelia Kibler
  • Celia Kibler is a creator on PeanutCelia Kibler
  • Celia Kibler is a creator on PeanutCelia Kibler
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