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A in Breastfeeding

Painful breasts

So I have had to stop breastfeeding after 2 weeks of trying everything (pumping, haakaa, formula top ups, nipple shields etc) for babes to put on weight. It’s really affecting my mental health and so we made the decision to stop. Fast forward 24 hours and my breasts are SO hard and painful. I’ve been told not to squ...

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Incognito in Bottle feeding

Bottle Teats

FTM - When do you know if it’s time to size up a teat? I feel like it’s too early for my 2 week old to size up from size 1 but we’ve tried different bottles, infacol and other recommended advice and he still seems uncomfortable/frustrated when feeding? Also, side question - is it normal for baby to fall asleep whil...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Formula feeding - myths/ benefits / not health risks

Hi all - baby is primarily on formula Reading and it makes it seem like a very secondary option but speaking with few medical professionals they say colostrum / few days are most important anyway to build antibodies and then doesn’t matter Can anyone share benefits / debunk health risks etc for formula ?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Formula


LO is only 3 days old and exclusively formula fed and we’re wondering if it’s okay to introduce a dummy to help soothe him before bottle is ready?

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  • Incognito

P in Baby digestion

Constipated baby

Any tips on helping my newborn with constipation? My baby is 9 days old and I’ve been using aptamil. He was on the pre-made formula for the first 3 days due to being in hospital which he seemed happy on, but once I got home and switched him over to powder formula he has been really constipated. I fed him on ready m...

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