August 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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R in Vitamins & supplements


Does anyone else give their kiddo a daily multivitamin? My 3.5 year old is in preschool 2 days a week and is getting sick literally every other week. I thought maybe flintstone vitamins could help boost her immune system. It says 2-3 year olds take 1/2 daily but I’m wondering if she can have a full one? Her doctor s...

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A in Potty training

Potty training at night

How did you get your kiddos potty trained for the night? My son doesn’t wear diapers at all anymore during the day, but at night still wears a pull up to go to sleep. How do I eliminate this? Because he will still wake up in the morning and he peed in his pull-up 🥲

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A in Baby sleep


How are you getting your toddlers to bed? Mine used to be good at bedtime but now it’s like an hr long ordeal of him not wanting to go to sleep and he won’t let me leave the room until he falls asleep and if I do leave he starts screaming 🥲🥲

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Incognito in Other

420 mamas!!!

I have really bad anxiety and have been diagnosed years ago with clinical depression. I have done medications a long time ago and it didn’t help just put me to sleep. My anxiety is so bad that I have a very hard time going to sleep unless I pass out due to my brain constantly going. I also am always angry and overst...

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Incognito in Potty training

Tips for getting 3 year olds to listen to instructions better.

Like when we are out in public and say “time to go potty,” or “time to go.” And he flips out and runs away, how can I avoid this?? Help.

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