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A group for the adventurers and thrill seekers.

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S in Age gaps

Moms who ride motorcycles

Any other moms favorite hobby is riding motorcycles? I have a 4 year old and a newborn and it's harder to ride now with a baby since I'll need to stop to pump breastmilk. I enjoy riding for my "mommy time". I ride my sport bike, my cruiser, and my mini bike to do little wheelies!

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J in Age gaps

is it too soon to include my LO in my hobbies?

Me and my husband love to fish and kayak on the lake. My LO is currently 8mths. I want to include my son in our hobbies bc right now we just been leaving him with my sister in law. Also we snowboard but by then he’ll be 1.

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A in Baby travel products

Conceal carrying recs?

Hey mamas! I want to start carrying with my little one, and I'm thinking a fanny pack is my best bet. I don't want to strap anything to my belly since I'm breastfeeding. Any recommendations?;

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K in Other

What fun & exciting activities are you continuing in pregnancy?

I hope to keep (indoor) rock climbing with my husband. I'm currently only 5.5 weeks, so I'm hoping that's not just a dream!! I've heard of pregnant people continuing to climb through pregnancy, swapping to full body harnesses when they start to show. Sadly, the only company that was making pregnancy harnesses stoppe...

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K in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Fear of Change

Hey all! Just found out I'm pregnant and having to cancel a trip to Busch Gardens that hubby and I were stoked on. We LOVE rollercoasters. That kind of set off a whole chain of being upset about giving up stuff to have a baby... I could really use some inspiring stories of women who have kept up their regular life w...

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