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A space for the women who are just winging it.

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Incognito in Family

My husband told me to go somewhere

Venting- don’t tell me to leave this man because it’s not an option. So I was out majority of the day with our toddler. My best friend came over because her birthday was this week and she took off from work so we planned for brunch and shopping today Once she left, all hell broke loose and my husband is getting...

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  • Incognito

R in Social media

TikTok friends

Looking for new besties to engage with on TikTok. If you have one, add me and we can go live together. Mine is - queenroseg23

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Incognito in Household

Man child

I need to know everyone’s response to said situation. Haven’t said anything to him yet. Last night I decided it would be a good idea for me to mop the floor like I was down there on my knees cleaning it real good, not that it was that dirty but I like to keep things clean. Now…when I woke up today, walked out of ...

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J in Making friends

Snapchat me 😊

Still looking for my person haha. Add me on snapchat, I need friends lol

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Incognito in Childbirth

Pain in c-section scar 19 months later?

Hi I’m due to have my 2nd baby March 1. I’d like to attempt a vbac.. My daughter will be 22 months old at the time I give birth to her sister, does anyone that’s had a vbac know if you’re not supposed to have pain in your scar in order to have one?

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