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Wine Lovers 🇬🇧

There’s a 99% chance of wine in this group.

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S in Going out

Mom’s nights out.

Hi everyone, I’m looking for mums/sahm who have some sort of flexibility on going out during the weekend. I’ve been feeling quite lonely and my husband is not the type that likes to go out. I’m a really social person and I just need some time to enjoy myself and talk with adults!I need a break. I’m in High Wycombe ,...

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Incognito in Other

Alcohol and pregnancy?

Did you drink through your pregnancy? (Like one glass) and if so, how was your baby?

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Incognito in Drink recommendations

Wine lovers assemble!!!!

So I opened a nice bottle of Malbec on Feb 14th hubby and I didn’t finish it. The cork is in the bottle and there’s half left it’s now Feb 17th drink or nah? Is it still good? How long can a halt bottle of red be good for once opened?

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Incognito in Local recommendations

Girls weekend!

Hey! We are looking for somewhere reasonably priced in UK for a girls trip in the summer, we are looking for somewhere ideally with a hot tub and close to nightlife/clubbing if anyone has any ideas! Thanks x

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M in Drink recommendations

19 weeks pregnant and miss wine

Did anyone else miss having a glass or two of wine? The non alcoholic stuff doesn’t hit the same and it sucks so much. How did you guys get over the craving if so?

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