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A space for those who are on a mission not to be wasteful in their day-to-day life.

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G in Other

Reusing Formula Containers

Hey Ladies, 1st time poster. The formula brand I use recently phased out all their big containers to plastic containers. I’m not a huge fan of unnecessary waste, but I don’t know off hand what to do with all their packaging. Has anyone else had this issue? Any ideas?

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V in Other

thrifted this night gown over three years ago

i had it sitting in my closet and always wanted to wear it out, that hasnt happened yet. but yesterday i managed to get a little self care in and its giving rich housewife vibes lol i was freezing but happy. its cold in la rn. i thrifted it from atwater Left Bank. 🐢

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18 likes,7 comments

Incognito in Gifting

Have any of you ever sold stuff at rhea Lana’s consignment sale?

I’m so confused on how to do this 😅

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1 likes,2 comments

J in Baby clothes

Clothes sharing

Just read this article and love the idea! If you're in the Capital Region of NY, hmu and maybe we can start a group to do this 😊

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C in Baby travel products

Second Hand Mamaroo Seat Advice

I know this is kind of a dumb question but I just bought a second hand Mamaroo seat today and I don't know if I should use it or not. It was only $60 which is a really good price for even a used Mamaroo. I was really excited to find it for that price because I really wanted one and we don't have a lot of money to s...

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