J in Other
DIY baby blankets
I enjoyed making this for my baby girl. More pictures in comments
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J in Other
I enjoyed making this for my baby girl. More pictures in comments
R in Halloween
This is my most favorite creation by far! I hope to do more fun things like this and perfect my craft 🥰
H in Other
https://youtu.be/wCqfoyFbahs?si=etsHHk8K07BqZ6AE Any of you have a homemade blanket?
A in Activities for kids
So I was nearly completely done with this, and I left it unattended (10 ft away doing dishes)… and it’s gone. Like all the paperwork and thread is there but the canvas and my 10+ hours of work…. Gone. So bummed ! We have all searched everywhere but quite certain my 2 year old threw it “in the batcave cause the mons...
A in Baby clothes
I've crocheted a few small baby blankets before but that's all I know how to do. I'd really like to learn more. Anyone have tips or tricks you wish you knew starting out? Easy projects I should try first? Favorite brands of yarn? Anything help.