L in Other
Anybody from NY? Instagram?
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A space for those living and working in the hustle and bustle.
L in Other
Anybody from NY? Instagram?
V in Going out
Hey ladies! Would any of you with kids 0-2 want to meet up for drinks or just food one day next week? Not obligated to drink! Looking to make friends and stop being in mommy mood. I’m in PG county.
M in Social media
Hey beautiful moms ☺️ Let’s support each other by dropping our socials, below are mine. I just made a new instagram for my Real Estate journey. Follow for a follow back Insta: monnzerat TikTok: mvillafranco
Incognito in Other
Taking a long weekend trip and flights were not worth it. We usually drive before baby so decided to try out the train to New York City to visit family. Any advice on where to sit or what to bring?
E in Making friends
I’m A FTM 14 Weeks And Looking For Any Girlies From NYC That Wanna Link And Chill? Food Friend?