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As long as we have coffee and each other, how bad can things be?

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Incognito in Other

Decaf coffee and pregnant

Hey ladies! I’m a coffee lover and usually have a few cups a day! Dolce gusto style! I’ve just found out I’m expecting baby number 2 and am 7 weeks along. I’ve switched up to decaf and am having 2 decaf dolce gusto capsule coffees a day. I’m not sure why I feel guilty having them incase they have more caffeine in th...

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  • Incognito

A in Other

Warrington mums 🥰

If you live in Warrington and looking to connect please message me for a coffee meet up or play date at a soft play with a coffee for us of course. Can’t see waves but would love to connect with new mums. Please direct message x

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L in Potty training

Potty training help !!!!!!

So I’m at a point where I have no idea what on earth I’m doing I’ve tried googling it but nothing proper comes up im really struggling with everything at the moment and some advice would be amazing because at the moment all I feel like doing is curling up in a ball and just cry

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Incognito in Other

2nd baby caffeine intake

Hi mummas just wondering how much caffeine you have with your 2nd babies? My 1st I managed to completely cut it out, I am now very early with my 2nd and stuggling with just 1 cup a day! Does anybody have any advice or just what you done to my mind at ease!

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Incognito in Meetups

Queensbury Bradford area

22 new mom to 3 week old baby boy. Anyone fancy meeting up for coffee, walks , movie ? Looking to meet other mums , and for little man to eventually meet other to have play dates in ( when they can do something 😂) or for a chat to feel social and like a human 😂😂

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