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As long as we have coffee and each other, how bad can things be?

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a in Other

Hello everyone

what's y'all fav creamer to use for y'all coffee? star bucks or Dunkin?

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S in Other

I forgot to put the dishwasher on last night

Drinking my iced coffee in a Bluey tumbler this morning 🤣

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A in Sleep & tiredness

This chocolate coffee so good

So this coffee chocolate was given to me by my wonderful husband and let me tell you it helps me to wake up. Sometimes I don't have time to make a cup of coffee, but you just take a little bite and trust me, you're awake. Your fogginess of your brain is gone. You can buy it at Target or Amazon. They're a little pric...

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A in Other

Group chat

Any mommas interested in joining a I message group chat talk about babes and vent and be one big happy family

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K in Baby sleep

Swaddles and tips for restless baby

Hey moms! What’s the best swaddle for a 3 month old restless baby? She’s constantly getting out of blanket swaddles and her arms and legs are very strong. She wakes herself up from this. Any recommendations are helpful! 🩷

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